- 論文の詳細を見る
This paper studied the characteristics of activated carbon prepared from Japanese cedar sawdust through chemical activation with sodium hydroxide. Two paths of sample preparation were tested. One is to activate raw sawdust, and the other does carbonized sawdust. Samples were prepared under a range of activating conditions(temperature, time and chemical ratio) and carbonization(temperature and time). The characterization of the activated carbon and its preparation processes were made through yield, specific surface area measured by BET and texture observed by SEM photograph. The samples activated before carbonization show sponge-like texture and specific surface area higher than 2000 m^2 g^<-1>, but their yield was low as several percent. As a result, the appropriate conditions of chemical activation and carbonization give the activated carbon having 1600 m^2 g^<-1> of specific surface area in yield of 15%.
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- 8-330 学生が自分達で実験をつくる創成化学工学実験教育の試行((06)工学教育の個性化・活性化-V,口頭発表論文)
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