妊娠期における妊婦と夫の役割に関する自己効力感質問紙の作成 : 信頼性と妥当性の検討
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Questionnaires for measuring pregnant women and husbands' self-efficacy for parental roles were made applying Bandura's self-efficacy theory, and were evaluated for reliability and validity. In the development of the questionnaires, effect factors during pregnancy were selected for each of the ten prerequisite items for self-efficacy which is the conceptual framework. Next, a total of 28 items were singled out as questionnaire items for women and husbands, respectively, with respect to a series of events occurring in the early, mid and late stages of pregnancy. The relationship between these 28 items and the prerequisites, as well as the effect factors during pregnancy was then validated. The developed questionnaire contained 15 items concerning efficacy expectancy and 13 items concerning outcome expectancy. Internal consistency and test-retest method were used to examine the reliability of the questionnaire. The subjects were 44 couples (44 pregnant women and their husbands). Internal consistency in terms of Cronbach's alpha was high for both the women and the men. Significant differences were also found between Spearman's correlation coefficients in the test-retest on both the pregnant women and the husbands, however, stability was not achieved. With respect to validity, factor analysis was performed using maximum likelihood factor extraction and varimax rotation to examine construct validity. The analysis extracted four factors and 27 items from the questionnaire for the women and that for the husbands, respectively. The high loadings found between the items and the factors demonstrated that they were necessary items for the self-efficacy questionnaire.
- 天使大学の論文
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