- 論文の詳細を見る
Eating, physical acting and resting behavior is considered as important health behavior to promote our health level. Several health behavior theories have been developed applying to change our health behaviors for good in counseling, health education and action programs. There are three types of health behavior theory, mainly utilizing to person, mainly applying to group and to population. The stages of behavior change theory is useful for groups as well as for people in health counseling, in order to assess the situation of subjects and tailor intervention plans, implement and evaluate the effects. The transtheoretical model (TTM) developed from the theory of the stages of behavior change was introduced in detail. A lecture course for university students, dietetics and health, performed following the theory of stages of behavior-change was described. Lectures on health behavior theory, health and eating behavior, food-productive activities and so forth were given and the stages of eating behavior-change, real eating style and so forth were surveyed every month (totally four times). The stage of eating behavior-change elevated in the second, third and fourth survey as compared to the first one. Diagnostic results of eating (the satisfactory rates of food kinds and nutrients) also improved. Scores of stage of eating behavior-change positively correlated with satisfactory rates of food kinds and nutrients. Utilizing health behavior theory is effective to promote healthy eating behavior. Examining the creative program for multiple health behaviors change, physical acting and resting behaviors in addition to eating behavior should be considered as important.
- 天使大学の論文
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