サリーを買うのは誰か : インドの少数民族の女性の購入決定権へのアクセス
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国立情報学研究所の「学術雑誌公開支援事業」により電子化されました。This paper discusses the social and economic status of Santal women, one of the ethnic minority groups in India, with special reference to their purchasing power. Though they enjoy more freedom compared to their counterparts, women in the general population, they have no access to decision making concerning the household economy, even when buying their own clothes, saris. The reasons for this situation are listed: the patriarchal and patrilineal system of Santal society, protection of women and women's taxing life. Development does not always benefit women. It can make women's situation worse by depriving them of natural resources on which they depend, thus leading to women's degradation and the lowering of their position in the household and in the society.
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