- 論文の詳細を見る
In this essay, I have summarized and systematized my own points of view that had been discussed in my previous papers on sociological methods of life history. Firstly, the orality should be considered as a construct of plural characteristics, specifically "contexts of the present," "indigenous subjectivities," and "socio-historical characteristics of the field." The second point is the positive point of view in regarding "the individual as a field." This viewpoint organizes the grounds for the practice of fieldworks and monographic approaches. The third point is the positioning of the appropriate character of the sociological research, construct as compared with the criminal investigation by a police detective or the counseling by a social worker. The objective maintenance of "an appropriate distance" between the interviewer and the interviewee is essential for the achievement of calm and realistic understandings. In conclusion, I have proposed the new idea of "society as a relational-database," which corroborates the viewpoint of "the individual as a field."
- 2008-10-11
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