日本における「支那」「満蒙」民族調査研究 : 民族性格をめぐって
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This paper aims to descrive and consider several Japanese articles about the ethnic characteristics and thought patterns of Chinese in the 1930's. The paper involves a review of the the literature on the subject. First, I analyzed two translations, one is by a Chinese cultural critic, Lin Yutang. The other is by a German psychologist, Victor Frene. Lin's study was generally regarded as proper. But it has been criticized for its failure to grasp the nature of Chinese resistance to Japan. Frene's argument was significant in establishing harmonious relationships between Japan and Chaina. He called the attention of Japanese leaders to their attitudes toward Chinese traits. No critics had previously taken notice of this suggestion. Next, I regarded three studies by Japanese psychologist: Kohtaro Ohtani, Thoru Watanabe and Toshitake Amano. I have introduced their views on the matter, examining their methodologies and outcomes. The views of Watanabe tend toward ethnocentrism. Amano had difficulty reconciling realistic research with his views of the ethnic group. In conclusion, psychological reseach on this theme was limited in those days.
- 茨城キリスト教大学の論文
- 日本における教育心理学の戦前と戦後
- 教育心理学研究と心理学者の社会的責任
- 日本における「支那」「満蒙」民族調査研究 : 民族性格をめぐって
- 「満洲」における心理学 : 建国大学とその周辺
- 日本の心理学史の研究案内
- 「満洲」における心理学 : 前半期における人物を中心として
- 心理学主義の認識 : 戦後日本におけるアメリカ心理学との出会いの中で
- 日本における心理学の戦後の出発 : 1945年8月15日から1950年代にかけて
- 戦後日本の心理学者と平和問題とのかかわり : その社会史的側面から
- 「満州」における教員養成