国連女性差別撤廃条約および選択議定書の留保に関する一考察 : 条約の実効性確保の観点から(2)(蕗谷硯児教授退任記念号)
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This paper analyzes the influence of reservations to the effectiveness of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (hereinafter referred as "CEDAW") and its Optional Protocol (hereinafter referred as "the Optional Protocol"). Reservations to treaties allow states to join a multilateral treaty when states agree to the object and purpose of the treaty in general but find that some provisions do not comform to their domestic laws, customs, or practices. At the same, however, reservations pose the danger of tampering with the object and purpose of treaties, especially when it comes to human rights treaties. In this part, I analyze all the reservations made by the States Parties to CEDAW, provision by provision. My findings show that several states make general reservations to the Convention itself so as to avoid disputes concerning its interpretation or the compatibility of other reservations. They reveal that many states make a reservation to article 2, which imposes the obligations on States Parties to eliminate discrimination against women, not only in the public but also private fields. The findings also demonstrate that States Parties making reservations to paragraph 1 of article 29, tend to make reservations to article 9 stipulating equality between men and women in nationality ; article 15 stipulating the equality of men and before under the law; and article 16, which stipulates equality in marriage and family relations.
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