リーダーシップ行動の再検討 : エーザイ株式会社アルツハイマー型認知症治療薬「アリセプト」探索研究チームの事例研究
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In this paper, I intend to reconsider the behavioral approach toward leadership. This approach is based on two behavioral factors: initiating structure and consideration. Are these two factors sufficient to explain leadership thoroughly? This approach does not consider the followers' view, because its premise is that the leader can control the followers completely. However, if the followers have more knowledge about and skills for the task than the leader, what does the leader do? To understand this question and to be able to answer it, I conducted a field research on the case of a development team for the Alzheimer's disease drug, Aricept. The result of the case study of this team, which developed the Alzheimer's disease drug Aricept, reveals three points. First, the leader who leads a group of specialists, such a team developing Aricept, has limited influence; as a result, in this situation, the leadership is limited. Second, in this case, the leader designed the team in order to tackle and overcome the situation and obtain results. The team design reflected the leadership behavior in which the leader determined the team members' functions. In particular, shared leadership was effective in this case. Third, the leader of this case assumed leadership for the external group. In this case, the team could not fulfill the task by itself. Therefore, the leader should negotiate the external group. The ability for skillful negotiation was the key aspect of the external leadership in this case. Thus, it is evident that the behavioral approach cannot explain leadership thoroughly. If the followers are specialists, the power of leadership becomes limited. In order to tackle and overcome such a situation, first, the leader should design the team; second, he/she should share leadership; and third, he/she should be open to and accept external leadership.
- 2007-04-30
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