企業の包括的枠組としての規範的マネジメント : ブライヒャー企業管理論の中心問題
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The aim of this paper is to clarify the critical points at issue of "Normative Management". The concept "Normative Management" is advocated by Prof. Dr. Knut Bleicher (University St. Gallen). This concept, it is attempted to systematize the functions of corporate executives ("Unternehmungsfuhrung" in Germany). "Normative Management" is placed at the highest level in Bleicher's concept of "Integrated Management" and its primary task is to establish the justification for existence of the corporation to bring its development to fruition. "Normative Management" is composed of four factors, namely Corporate Philosophy (Unternehmungsphilosophie), Business Policy (Unternehmungspolitik), Decision-Making and Supervising Structure (Unternehmungsverfassung), and Corporate Culture (Unternehmungskultur). Corporate Philosophy explains the meaning for existence of the corporation in the society and determines the course of development of the corporation. Business Policy is placed on Corporate Philosophy, and its core issue is to set missions as goals that guide effective use of resources and potentials of the corporation. When setting such missions, it is important to take account of economic and social aspects. The social aspects include the relationship between a corporation and its stakeholders, and ecological problems etc. Decision-Making and Supervising Structure is a formal rule system for executing Business Policy. For example, it regulates top management organization, the style of alliance between other corporation, and management-holding structure. Lastly, Corporate Culture is to direct behavioral assumptions of members for corporate development. Compared with "Unternehmungsverfassung" as a formal rule system, "Unternehmungskultur" acts as an informal rule system (an unwritten rule). In a complex and dynamic environment, corporate executives must realize corporate development through managing appropriately these four factors. This issue strongly relates to the current problems of "Corporate Governance", "Corporate Social Responsibility", and "Business Ethics". This paper suggests that "Normative Management" provides useful approach to cope with these issues.
- 2006-04-20
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