- 論文の詳細を見る
The simple overstress model is first shown, which is extended so as to describe the smooth elastoplastic transition by formulating the viscoplastic strain rate induced by the scalar-valued overstress describing the expansion from the subloading surface to the dynamic-loading surface. Then, the tangential viscoplastic strain rate is described by introducing the overstress tensor denoting the difference of the current stress tensor on the dynamic loading surface from the elastoplastic stress tensor on the subloading surface. Here, the elastoplastic stress is formulated by substituting the viscoplastic strain rate in stead of the plastic strain rate into the evolution rules of not only internal variables but also subloading ratio, i.e. the ratio of the size of the subloading surface to that of the normal-yield surface in the elastoplastic constitutive equation. Further, the generalized overstress model is formulated in which the existence of purely elastic domain observed in metals is assumed and the existence of the limit in the expansion of the dynamic-loading surface is introduced so that it is capable of describing the deformation at general rate from the quasi-static deformation to the impact load.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2008-09-25
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