"一名之立、旬月踟蹰"之前之后 : 厳訳与新国語的呼換
- 論文の詳細を見る
From 1896 until 1909 Yan Fu published eight translations that greatly influenced the Chinese society. During the translation process he created many translation loans, but his translations were still written in an old Chinese style. This paper investigates what kind of influence was exerted on contemporary Chinese by Yan Fu's translations. Especially it analyzes the situation of Chinese in the period of his first translations and deals with the selection criteria of his literary style and his way of coining translation loans. Furthermore, this paper presents the history of some terms used by Yan Fu, such as jinhua, tianyan, zhimin and jixue.
- 関西大学の論文
- 2008-03-31
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