The Effects of Dyslexia on Language Acquisition and Development
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This article focuses on the effects of dyslexia on language acquisition and development andconsiders strategies that can be used to promote inclusive learning in the EFL classrooms inJapan. It develops a working definition of dyslexia, and enumerates its characteristics to help theclassroom teacher with identification. The article examines second language acquisition from acognitive perspective. It draws on psychological research on implicit and explicit memory andlearning, short-term and working memory, attention, and automaticity. The implications forsecond language acquisition are discussed, and relevant applied linguistic research is reviewed.At a more general level, the kinds of cognitive learning mechanisms that have been proposed forfirst language acquisition, and their relevance to second language acquisition, are also considered.Finally it approaches some core issues in applied linguistics from a cognitive perspective: the roleof explicit instruction, variability, and the competence/performance distinction.
- 2008-10-31
論文 | ランダム
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