P03 地図表示の無いカーナビゲーションシステムの提案(心「こころ」とデザイン,第55回春季研究発表大会)
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The car navigation system keeps evolving. On the other hand, information and the complexity that the car navigation system treats increase, and, as a result, safety and easiness to use have decreased. The map includes a lot of information and is almost displayed in the whole about the car navigation system screen. It isn't easy to judge the information at one view. However, information that the necessity is low for the driver is not a little in information. However, easiness to use and safety might improve by sucking up necessary information for the driver from the map if only the navigation is said and presenting it. It proposed one of methods of doing without displaying map of car navigation in this research.
- 2008-06-20
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