E04 中国伝統的工芸にみられる意匠権に関する調査・研究 : 中国江蘇省無錫市における「恵山泥人」に関する調査を通して(デザイン計画,心「こころ」とデザイン,第55回春季研究発表大会)
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As a result of this study, three points related to the issues for the institution-building of intellectual property come to light: (1) The craftsmen don't possess any concept of intellectual property right; (2) Besides, to plagiarize the works of other craftsman was tabooed. Namely, the theft of other craftsman's design has originally never happened in the world of craftsman, which is the craftsman's culture; (3) Though the consciousness of design rights is not strong enough among the craftsman, protection for design rights has been formed as traditional mores in the sincere work of making things. In sum total, not only the economic value of making things is being pursued, but also the potential value of culture is being thoroughly reconfirmed and understood in a new light in today's China.
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