D20 「橋(Brucke)」の活動とグラフィックデザイン(グラフィック、タイポグラフィ,心「こころ」とデザイン,第55回春季研究発表大会)
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"The Bridge" is known as an organization, which promoted the idea of standardization of paper format before WWI in Germany. This paper investigates the activity of this organization in the context of graphic design. Though the Bridge mainly aimed establishment of information society, they proposed systematic design format for advertisement as a practical method and designed their pamphlets systematically within the similar structured format. These features show that the Bridge already carried out rational design method. The idea of the standardization of paper format was only accepted by other important design organizations such as the Poster Collector Association or the German Werkbund, but it is likely that their intention were not fully recognized by them.
- 2008-06-20
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- D20 「橋(Brucke)」の活動とグラフィックデザイン(グラフィック、タイポグラフィ,心「こころ」とデザイン,第55回春季研究発表大会)
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