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Polarimetric analysis of sunlight reflected from the Earth's surface is expected to play an important role in future Earth environmental observation, and an imaging spectropolarimeter using a liquid crystal tunable filter (LCTF) for the visible wavelength band has been developed by the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency(JAXA) over the past several years for such analysis. In order to bring the optical sensor into practical use, efforts are currently under way to incorporate it in a sensor package for an airborne observation system.This report first presents the concept and architecture of an LCTF imaging spectropolarimeter that senses radiation in the 400.720 nm visible wavelength band. Next, an outline is presented of the onboard observation system using the spectropolarimeter and the LCTF rotation mechanism that is the strongest point of the sensor.Third, the relation between the polarimetric sensor output and reference data on water muddiness is presented from the results of a preliminary trial conducted using muddy-water models, to apply the sensor to water pollution measurement. Fourth, the target areas for the field experiments are shown and the apparatus and procedures for each field experiment using the observation system are described. The areas include rivers, lakes, etc. polluted by the waste water from rice fields. Spectral characteristics of sunlight reflected from the observed spots are then shown by relative spectral radiance as the analyzed results of experimental data. In addition, the results of flight experiments are shown to confirm the ability to measure muddiness of rivers, lakes, etc. from the air.The utility of the optical observation system for airborne remote sensing is clear, based on the results of characteristic analyses of spectral images of the target areas and the spectral radiance of sunlight reflected from the target surfaces. Finally, it is concluded that the way has been paved both for completing the onboard optical observation system using the visible LCTF spectropolarimeter and for determining surface conditions from the properties of the spectral images and the spectral data acquired by the observation system.
- 宇宙航空研究開発機構の論文
山本 浩通
宇宙航空研究開発機構総合技術研究本部 飛行システム技術開発センター
本間 幸造
宇宙航空研究開発機構総合技術研究本部 飛行システム技術開発センター
新宮 博公
宇宙航空研究開発機構総合技術研究本部 飛行システム技術開発センター
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