イヌ(Canis familiaris)新生児における母親の匂い弁別
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We examined ability for discrimination of social odors in newborn dog puppies (Canis familiaris) with eyes and ears closed. Eight 7- or 8-day-old puppies were placed between two handkerchiefs on which two types of odor were added. One odor was that from their biological mothers who nursed the puppies. The other was that from an unfamiliar unrelated adult female for one brood of 4 miniature dachshund puppies or that from an unfamiliar daughter of the mother for the other brood of 4 miniature schnauser puppies. The puppies preferentially stayed touching the handkerchief with the mother's odor for significantly longer duration. The results suggest that the ability for olfactory discrimination of biologically important stimuli may be well developed before the puppies open their eyes.
- 日本動物心理学会の論文
- 2007-12-25
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