18.In Situ FTIRを用いた各種石炭の加熱に伴う水素結合強度分布変化の定量的評価
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In situ FTIR measurements were performed for the Argonne premium coals to estimate the change in hydrogen bonding through heat treatrnent. Neat coal samples were placed in a specially designed cell and they were heated from room temperature up to 300℃ in an inert atmosphere. FTIR spectra were collected in every 20℃ using the DRIFT method and the spectra ranging from 2400 to 3700cm^<-1> were divided into 6 hydrogen bonded OH peaks and other peaks. The strength distribution of hydrogen bonding (HBD) at each temperature was well estimated by analyzing the divided peaks by the method proposed by the authors. By utilizing the HBD the changes in enthalpies through the desorption of water, the glass transition, and the decomposition of OH groups were well estimated. The validity of the proposed in situ FTIR measurement method and the analysis method for obtaining HBD was well clarified.
- 一般社団法人日本エネルギー学会の論文
- 1999-10-28
- 64.各種石炭から高温抽出により調製したクリーンコールの液相熱分解(石炭利用における科学と工学の融合)
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