- 論文の詳細を見る
Many other works reported the relationship between NO and SO2 concentration. It was difficult to consider the changeable PFBC emissions separately in our work too. According to condition of oxidation or reduction reaction in the exhaust gas, NO, N2O and SO2 emissions were determined. Therefore inverse relationship between NO and SO2 concentration was observed. On stabilized PFBC operation, NO or N2O conversion were able to be calculated in our previous work (ASH equation). More precise estimation of N2O conversion and calculating method of SO2 emission should be carried out however. The cautious study of short span transient PFBC operation explained the interaction of NO, N2O, SO2 and CO concentration. CO emission meant appearance of reducing agent in the exhaust gas, therefore its concentration informed us of exhaust gas reduced condition. Furthermore CO concentration was calculated by the gas temperature, O2 and CO2 partial pressure. These small concentration gas related to experiential ASH^<SN> equation ((P_<NO>/P_<CO>)^2×(P_<SO2>/P_<N2O)=F(Tc)). This equation must resolve the both problems of precise N2O conversion estimation and SO2 emission calculation.
- 一般社団法人日本エネルギー学会の論文
- 1998-11-19
- セラミックチューブフィルターの開発
- 71MWe加圧流動層燃焼装置における石炭石による脱硫-Part2.石油コークス・石炭混合燃料燃焼時の供給石炭石粒径分布と脱硫性能の関係-
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- セラミックチューブフィルタ(CTF)のPFBCシステムへの適用研究
- 流動床燃焼
- CTF圧損解析用シミュレータの開発