1880年代における西村貞の理学観の社会的役割 : 大日本学術奨励会構想と大日本教育会改革に注目して
- 論文の詳細を見る
Tei Nishimura planned the Japanese Association for the Advancement of Science in 1888. According to his plan, the association was established through the union of educational, scientific and technological groups. The purpose was to enlighten people on the value of science, promote special research topics, improve the political position of science and scientists, and simplify the dissemination of research outcomes. The model adopted was that of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, although this association had no educational section in the 1880s. Nishimura's plan to unite educational and scientific groups within the association developed from his theory of education, which sought to relate education to science. He hoped for the development of pedagogy, and conducted research on the relationship between education and science. In addition, he thought that the theory of A. Bain was quoted, and that science assisted didactics. He thought that Bain applied psychology, physiology etc. to didactics, and was going to use their scientific method as a practical method. He began the reform of the Educational Society of Japan based on his plan. In 1888, he established a system of consultation with the Ministry of Education, to enable cooperation between science and technological research as well as education, and to conduct research into education.
- 日本科学史学会の論文
- 2008-06-25
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