エリクソンの第IV段階「勤勉性」と第V段階「アイデンティティ」 : 児童期から青年期への移行と仮想的有能感(<特集>児童期と青年期の発達的な連結と移行)
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Various problems in adolescence or transition from childhood to adolescence have been considered deriving from identity diffusion. Recently, some researchers say that the construct of Erikson's identity becomes outdated. But identity diffusion should be reconsidered relating resolutions of the crises in other (previous) stages of psychosocial development. This study clarified the operational definition of Eriksonian industry by surveying Japanese version of four subscales to measure the crisis of latency because there are not many papers on Erikson's forth stage (industry vs. inferiority). According to the view of Kowaz et al., industry consists of three components (cognitive, behavioral and affective), and the items in four subscales cover most of them. But it is necessary to further investigate several aspects of these components, especially the relationship among competition, cooperation and industry. In addition, this study examines a new construct of assumed-competence, which is defined as emotion based on undervaluing others and low self-esteem, in connection with problem of psychosocial development. The new findings were that the undergraduates who demonstrated low assumed-competence showed a more satisfactory resolution to the crises of industry and identity than the subjects showing high assumed-competence, and that assumed-competence significantly correlated with competitive achievement motive, not with achievement motive for self-fulfillment. The pursuit of learning motivation based on the sense of industry is an issue in the future.
- 2008-05-30
- エリクソンの第IV段階"industry"再考 : 劣等感と仮想的有能感の関係から(エリクソン再考-第IV段階から第V段階への移行をめぐって-)
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