PE-027 Resveratrol suppresses atherosclerosis in low density lipoprotein receptor knockout mice(Atherosclerosis, basic(03)(IHD),Poster Session(English),The 72nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2008-03-01
Hiura Yumiko
Department Of Epidemiology Research Institute National Cardiovascular Center
Iwai Naoharu
Department Of Epidemiology Research Institute National Cardiovascular Center
IWAI Naoharu
National Cardiovascular Center
Inamoto Nozomu
Division Of Preventive Cardiology National Cardiovascular Center
Niwa Yasuharu
Department Of Epidemiology Research Institute National Cardiovascular Center
Iwai N
Department Of Epidemiology Research Institute National Cardiovascular Center
Iwai Naoharu
National Cardiovascular Center Research Institute
Iwai Naoharu
Research Institute National Cardiovascular Center
Niwa Yasuharu
National Cardiovascular Center, Research Institute, Department of Epidemiology
Hiura Yumiko
National Cardiovascular Center, Research Institute, Department of Epidemiology
Hirokawa Go
National Cardiovascular Center, Research Institute, Department of Epidemiology
Hirokawa Go
Department Of Epidemiology Research Institute National Cardiovascular Center
Hiura Yumiko
Department Of Genomic Medicine Research Institute National Cerebral And Cardiovascular Center
Iwai Naoharu
Department Of Epidemiology Research Institute National Cardio-vascular Center
Niwa Yasuharu
Department Of Epidemiology National Cardiovascular Center
Iwai Naoharu
Department Of Genomic Medicine Research Institute National Cerebral And Cardiovascular Center
Hara Yuji
Department Of Epidemiology Research Institute National Cardiovascular Center
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