P223 低品位炭とバイオマスの混焼場におけるNOおよびN_2O挙動
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In considering effective utilization of low-grade coals with high fixed carbon content, it is necessary to enhance ignition and burnout characteristics by means of adding the supplemental fuels. Co-combustion technologies for low-grade coals with biomass are generally recognized as one of the candidate technologies to enhance these characteristics. Although the biomass addition will affect NO_x emission, the precise NO and N_2O behaviors during co-combustion have not always been elucidated yet. Therefore, this report studies fundamental NO and N_2O formation/decomposition behaviors and their mechanisms experimentally and theoretically. In the simulation, the homogeneous and heterogeneous reaction schemes are considered to elucidate the NO and N_2O formation/decomposition mechanisms precisely. As a result, concentrations of NO and N_2O during co-combustion become almost similar to those during coal combustion, even if the input fuel nitrogen in co-combustion is half of that in coal combustion. The NO and N_2O formation/decomposition mechanisms relate to the heterogeneous reaction scheme. The main elemental reaction is the reaction of NO with char-C to produce CN, which reacts with OH to form NCO. Consequently, the simulation results agree well with the experimental results obtained.
- 一般社団法人日本エネルギー学会の論文
- 2006-01-17
成瀬 一郎
成瀬 一郎
ガニ アスリ
成瀬 一郎
Naruse I
School Of Health Science Faculty Of Medicine
Naruse I
Aichi Human Service Center Aichi Jpn
成瀬 一郎
成瀬 一郎
豊橋技術科学大学 工学科 エコロジー工学系
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