総括 学校評価の展開と教育経営研究の課題(課題研究II 外部評価・第三者評価の導入と教育経営研究)
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In Japan, the concept and the practices of school evaluation have been developing into the external evaluation by stakeholders, such as parents and residents in the district, and the expert evaluation by professionals on education from the third parties. Now it is important to clarify problems and challenges to the study of educational administration in a new phase of school evaluation. We invited four speakers who presented the current progress of the study on school evaluation in Japan, the practices of school evaluation in UK, the third party evaluation systems in other countries and Japan, and the role of researchers in external and third party evaluation for schools. After four presentations we discussed the nature and the future of school evaluation. There were four points at issue described below. First, how and to what extent should the third parties of school evaluation be independent of state control and can they? In the discussion, a member was afraid that some people would misuse the system of third party evaluation because they mistook that this system should be independent only of schools. Second, we discussed the certificate for and the competence as school evaluator. Some members argued that our association could play an important role in these issues. Others said that it was not easy for us alone to undertake this task. We reached the conclusion that the collaboration among academic societies for the comprehensive school evaluation was important. Third, in this session there was a concern that external evaluation would prevent schools from using trial and error for creative educational practices; while another concern was that we could and had to use it in order to undertake bold and real educational reform. Fourth, the theory of educational administration has to reexamine the relationship between school self-management and external school evaluation.
- 2008-05-30
- 総括 学校評価の展開と教育経営研究の課題(課題研究II 外部評価・第三者評価の導入と教育経営研究)
- 総括 課題研究報告II 教職大学院経営と教育経営研究の課題(課題研究報告II 教職大学院経営と教育経営研究)
- 佐藤博志著, 『オーストラリア学校経営改革の研究-自律的学校経営とアカウンタビリティー』, 東信堂, 2009年
- 総括 課題研究報告II 学校の学区再編・統合と学校経営の課題(課題研究報告II 学校の学区再編・統合と学校経営の課題)
- 成松美枝著, 『米国都市学区における学校選択制の発展と限界-ウィスコンシン州ミルウォーキー市学区を事例に』, 渓水社, 2010年, 239頁
- 逆都市化時代における地方教育行政と学校ガバナンス : 地方教育政策共同体の再吟味(発表・1,学校ガバナンスの主体の構成原理,課題研究2,III大会報告)
- 教育委員会制度をめぐる規範理論的課題 : "教育政治"に向けて(指定討論,公開シンポジウムII 首長主導教育改革と教育委員会制度-首長の教育行政に対する影響力の検討,III 大会報告)