- 論文の詳細を見る
Purpose: To clearify what conditions affect the cognitive ability of Mentally Retarded Children by the experiment where the subject is asked to recognize concrete forms, after given fragmental stimuli in a series with various intervals of time, in comparison with the experiment-results in normal children. Method: Spots which construct each of 5 figures shown in Table 1 are projected in the size of 9 cm of diameter, appearing and disappearing one after another, on the screen (120cm x 90cm), by using an 8 mm cine-film. The subject is asked to follow the spots projected on the screen one by one and to answer the figure which he formed in his mind, first by the reproduction-method, and then by the recognition-method. (1) Experimental Conditions: A series of spots which construct each figure are projected only one time. under the 4 conditions which are different in_ projecting-time, and projecting-way (continuously or discontinuously). The subject should answer the figure recognized, immediately after the series of spots are projected. (2) The subject: Experiment-group: 69 children of special class with MA 4-9, and CA 8-12. Contrast-groups: 263 normal boys and girls at from kindergarten to 6 grade of primary school. Results: (1) The results differ according to the kinds of figures to be recognized, and to the projecting-way and the projecting-time, of spots. A series of spots projected in short time, or continuously, or virtically and horizontally, are well recognized in common to both groups: mentally retarded children and normal children. (2) Recognition improves with MA and CA in the case of normal children. (3) Recognition by mentally retarded children are different from that by normal children in the following: (a) Recognition has little correlation to MA and CA in the case of mentally retarded children with over MA 6 and over CA 9. (b) Recognition by mentally retarded children is significantly better than that by the normal children of the same MA as mentally retarded children. (c) Recognition-ability of mentally retarded children is determined other factors, especially by character, than intelligence, at the early time. It is necessary for the development of recognition-ability, consequently, to foster good character which has emotional stability.
- 日本特殊教育学会の論文
- 1966-03-31
- 特殊教育専攻学生の意識調査
- 6 特殊教育 : c 精神薄弱II(日本教育心理学会第9回総会部門別研究発表題目・討論の概要)
- 現代中・高校生のものの見方,感じ方に見られる変貌様相について
- 913 精神薄弱児職業教育体系化のための基礎的研究(7) : 職務適性の主要特質の所持実態に関する検討(9.特殊教育)
- 912 精神薄弱児職業教育体系化のための基礎的研究(6) : 職業的自立に必要な基本適性の内容把握(9.特殊教育)
- 911 精神薄弱児職業教育体系化のための基礎的研究(5) : 問題と研究計画(9.特殊教育)
- 625 精神薄弱児職業教育体系化のための基礎的研究(3) : 職揚が要求する職務適性の内容把握(精神薄弱II,6.特殊教育)
- 624 精神薄弱児職業教育体系化のための基礎的研究(2) : 就業実態からみた精神薄弱者の適職抽出(精神薄弱II,6.特殊教育)
- 623 精神薄弱児職業教育体系化のための基礎的研究(1) : 問題と研究計画(精神薄弱II,6.特殊教育)
- 色彩徴法と言語連想法による感情の発達系譜に関する研究
- 特殊教育1
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- 「ことわざ」に関する調査結果から見た現代若者像
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- Affective Meaning測定法としての色彩象徴法の方法論的吟味
- 精神薄弱児職業教育体系化のための基礎的研究(4) : 職場が要求する職業能力と特殊学級において育成される職業能力の比較検討(精神薄弱部門,個人発表,日本特殊教育学会第五回大会発表抄録)
- 精神薄弱児の知覚体制に関する実験分析的研究
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- 3.T.M.式置換作業テストに現われた特殊学級児童の作業成績(〔3〕精神薄弱,日本特殊教育学会第1回大会部門別研究発表要旨)
- 言語連想法による態度測定の試み