- 論文の詳細を見る
The present study attempted to identify behavioral and movement characteristics of children with autism or attention deficit/hyperactive disorder (ADHD), using factor analysis. Participants were 30 children with autism (26 boys and 4 girls; 5 years 7 months to 10 years 3 months; mean CA=6:2), and 22 children with ADHD (18 boys and 4 girls; 5 years 3 months to 9 years 11 months; mean CA=6:8). The mean IQ was 76 (range 71-89) for the children with autism, and 74 (range 71-83) for the children with ADHD. A behavior checklist (21 items) and a movement checklist (22 items) were administered. Factor analysis of the behavior checklist revealed 4 factors: "lack of active relating to others" (Factor I), "persistent interest in objects" (Factor II), "psychological tension and suppressed emotional expression" (Factor III), and "lack of sympathy with others" (Factor IV). The following factors were obtained from the movement checklist: "lack of active control of bodily movement" (Factor I), "insufficiency of movement skill and movement coordination" (Factor II), "impulsivity" (Factor III), and "hyperexcitability in mind and body" (Factor IV). For the children with autism, comparison of factor scores from the behavior checklist revealed that Factor I, Factor III, and Factor IV were their dominant characteristics, while comparison of the movement checklist factor scores indicated that Factor I was a salient characteristic for them.
- 日本特殊教育学会の論文
- 2005-03-31
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