中東鉄道とウラジオストク港の連携と対立 : 一九〇六-一九一八年(2007年度大会特集)
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The purpose of this paper is to examine the business strategy of the Chinese Eastern Railway(CER) using Port Vladivostok after the Russo-Japanese War and its impact on the Russian Far East. In the previous studies of the Russo-Chinese economic history, it has been often discussed and thought positive that the developments in the economic relations between Manchuria and Primorsky Krai after 1906. By contrast, in the previous studies of the domestic history of the Russian Far East, researchers negatively emphasized that the economic conflict between them. The point at issue in this argument is disvaluing of the role of the CER in this region. After the loss of port Dalian, the CER determined port Vladivostok as the central port of their company. The CER improved the port and enhanced the partnership with the marine transportation. So the transit goods from Manchuria, particularly wheat and soy, were exported in a large amount from port Vladivostok. But the business strategy of the CER didn't always consistent with the profits of the merchants of port Vladivostok. Because both side tried to dispense favors to their local. When these problems surfaced, the Priamur governor-general Nikolai Gondatti took economic protective policies and conflicted with the CER. These results lead to the conclusion that the CER is profitable for the bourgeois of the Russian Far East, but the deepening of the economic relations with the CER wasn't always welcomed by them.
- 2008-05-15
- 中東鉄道とウラジオストク港の連携と対立 : 一九〇六-一九一八年(2007年度大会特集)
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