1 インドロカルバゾール化合物生合成遺伝子群のクローニング及び生合成経路の決定(口頭発表の部)
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The biosynthetic gene cluster for rebeccamycin, an indolocarbazole antibiotic, from Lechevalieria aerocolonigenes ATCC 39243 has 11 ORFs. To clarify their functions, mutants with rebG, rebD, rebC, rebP, rebM, rebR, rebH, rebT, or orfD2_disrupted were constructed, and the gene products were examined. rebP disruptants produced 11,11'-dichlorochromopyrrolic acid, found to be a biosynthetic intermediate by a bioconversion experiment. Other genes encoded N-glycosyltransferase (rebG), monooxygenase (rebC), methyltransferase (rebM), a transcriptional activator (rebR), and halogenase (rebH). Staurosporine is a representative member of indolocarbazole antibiotics. The entire staurosporine biosynthetic and regulatory gene cluster spanning 20-kb was cloned from Streptomyces sp. TP-A0274 and sequenced. The gene cluster consists of 14 ORFs and the amino acid sequence homology search revealed that it contains three genes, staO, staD, and staP, coding for the enzymes involved in the indolocarbazole aglycone biosynthesis, two genes, staG and staN, for the bond formation between the aglycone and deoxysugar, eight genes, staA, staB, staE, staJ, staI, staK, staMA, and staMB, for the deoxysugar biosynthesis and one gene, staR is a transcriptional regulator. staO, staD, and staP were similar to rehO, rebD, and rebP, respectively, all of which are responsible for indolocarbazole biosynthesis, But a rebC homolog, encoding a putative enzyme oxidizing the C-7 site of pyrrole rings, was not found in the staurosporine biosynthetic gene cluster. These results suggest that indolocarbazole is constructed by oxidative decarboxylation of chromopyrrolic acid (11,11'-dichlorochromopyrrolic acid in rebeccamycin) generated from two molecules of tryptophan by coupling and that the oxidation state at the C-7 position depends on the additional enzyme(s) encoded by the biosynthetic genes. Moreover, heterologous gene expression of a complete set of the biosynthetic genes for staurosporine and rebeccamycin cloned into pTOYAMAcos confirmed their role in staurosporine and rebeccamycin biosynthesis.
- 天然有機化合物討論会の論文
- 2003-09-01
谷口 真市
五十嵐 康弘
古米 保
五十嵐 康弘
古米 保
尾仲 宏康
谷口 真市
尾仲 宏康
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- 9(B-5) v-Srcチロシンキナーゼ阻害物質ヒバリマイシンの構造・生合成および活性(口頭発表の部)
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- Lechevalieria aerocolonigenes ATCC39243 のレベッカマイシン生合成遺伝子群の解析
- 1 インドロカルバゾール化合物生合成遺伝子群のクローニング及び生合成経路の決定(口頭発表の部)
- P-9 ジャガイモの収量ならびにそうか病発生に及ぼすゴードスポリンの効果
- 47. 放線菌TP-A0584菌株が産生するゴードスポリンがジャガイモの収量とそうか病防除に及ぼす効果
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- 5 作物の育苗過程における植物由来放線菌の生育調節効果
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- 放線菌の二次代謝産物を活用した作物の生育調節技術(微生物利用による作物の生育調節)
- P-10 内生放線菌による作物の生長促進効果 : 二次代謝物の関与について
- 58. 植物由来放線菌からの植物生理活性物質の探索
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- 59.植物由来放線菌代謝物中の植物成長調節活性(第36回大会研究発表抄録)
- 58.スギ由来放線菌TP-A0456株の生産する新規抗生物質Cedarmycin(第36回大会研究発表抄録)
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- 59 植物由来放線菌代謝物中の植物成長調節活性
- 58 スギ由来放線園TP-A0456株の生産する新規抗生物質Cedarmycin
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- インドロカルバゾール化合物の生合成に関与する新奇酵素(バイオミディア)
- P-22 Streptomyces属放線菌の生産する新規ポリケタイドalchivemycin類の構造(ポスター発表の部)