82(P12) 生体触媒による不斉脱アルコキシカルボニル化反応を用いたトロパン型アルカロイド類の不斉合成(ポスター発表の部)
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We have recently described efforts for the exploitation of a novel lipase-catalyzed asymmetric demethoxycarbonylation of tetramethyl 3,7-dioxo-cis-bicyclo[3.3.0]octane-2,4,6,8-tetracarboxylate (1) and for its application to the syntheses of Corey lactone and some natural products. We have now turned our interest in the substrate i.e., 8-alkyl-3-oxo-8-azabicyclo[3.2.1]octane-2,4-dicarboxylates (3, 4) which was readly prepared by Robinson's tropinone synthesis from succindialdehyde and primary amine, and 1,3-acetonedicarboxylate in one step, because this skeleton is closely related to the cocaine related alkaloids, including radiopharmaceuticals, for diagnosis of Parkinson's disease. We examined the lipase-catalyzed demethoxycarbonylation of 3 with various lipases such as PPL (Porcine Pancreatic Lipase) in a toluene-phosphate buffer (pH=7.2), but the obtained 5 were racemic. After searching for a suitable substrate and enzyme, we found that the tropinone diester 4 bearing a benzyl group as an aminoprotective group gave optically active monoester [(-)-6a-e] by the use of PLE (Porcine Liver Esterase). Especially the n-butyl ester (4d) was the best for giving the highest yield and enantiomeric excess (51% yield, 95%ee) among the ester moieties examined. The absolute configuration of the obtained monoester was estimated from the following experiments: (1) the methyl ester (6a) derived from 6b-e showed the same (-)-direction in optical rotation, (2) the specific rotation of anhydroecgonine methyl ester [(-)-7] derived from 6a-e was identical with that of (-)-7 derived from the known (-)-cocaine. As an synthetic application of optically active tropinone monoester [(-)-6d], we synthesized β-CIT and β-CIT-FP which is radiopharmaceuticals, (-)-ferruginine which is opposite configuration of natural (-)-cocaine, and alkaloid KD-B which is tropane alkaloid.
- 天然有機化合物討論会の論文
- 1999-09-01
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