54(P11) コーヒー酸からのリグナンの生合成およびその反応機構(ポスター発表の部)
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Lignans are widely distributed secondary metabolites, which consist of two phenylpropane units, linked by 8,8' bonds. Recently, 78-kilodalton protein named as 'dirigent protein' has been isolated from Forsythia suspensa, which effects stereoselective bimolecular phenoxy radical coupling in the presence of an oxidase and one electron oxidant On the other hand, lignan as unusual naphthalene derivative, 1-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)-6,7-dihydroxy-1,2-dihydro-2,3-naphthalenedicarboxylic acid (DDDN, 1) has been isolated from gametophytes of Pellia epiphylla. Further oxygenated lignan, jamesopyrone (2) has been isolated from Jamesoniella autunvidis. HPLC analyses of two lignans, 1 and 2 have been demonstrated on 53 species of Bryophytes. The amounts of lignans in liverworts were larger than those in mosses. Chiral HPLC analyses of lignans in twelve liverworts clarified their enantiomerical deviations. They were considered to be biosynthesized from two caffeic molecules, a common phenolic unit in liverworts. It suggested that the stereochemical mechanisms of lignan biosynthesis in liverworts were different from that in vascular plant having a great diversity. Thus we had an interest for the biosynthesis of lignans in liverworts. The formations of the lignans 1, 2, and scapaniapyrone (3) in liverwort, J.autumnalis were investigated. Feeding experiment of [8-^2H] caffeic acid (CA, 9) on axenic cultures of J. autumnalis has shown that 2 and 3 were derived from the coupling of two intact caffeic molecules. Furthermore, (+)-1 was enantioselectively formed from 9 in cell free extracts of liverwort J. autumnalis. In the bimolecular coupling model system, we found the formation of furofuran-type lignan 2,6-exo-bis (3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)-3,7-dioxabicyclo [3.3.0] octane-4,8-dione (10) from 9 with NaIO_4. NMR analyses of oxidation of 9 with NaIO_4 in MeOH-d_4 showed the formation of 3,4-dioxocinnamic acid (o-quinone, 11). It was further confirmed by the reaction of 11 in MeOH with 1,2-phenylenediamine to produced phenazine derivative. The first step of the bimolecular coupling was thought as the oxidation of 9 to highly reactive 11 which has both electrophilic and oxidative properties. ^1H-^1H COSY analyses of 10-Mes formed by couplings of ^<13>C- or non- labeled 9 with 11 revealed that 11 as an intermediate of the formation of 10 from 9.
- 天然有機化合物討論会の論文
- 1998-08-31
石川 典子
田崎 弘之
鍋田 憲助
田崎 弘之
田口 大祐
林田 隆臣
高澤 俊英
林田 隆臣
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