106(P55) 藍藻が生産する有毒ペプチドmicrocystinの光反応生成物について(ポスター発表の部)
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Cyclic heptapeptide hepatotoxins, microcystins, are major toxins of the toxic cyanobacterial waterblooms. Poisonous drinking water by microcystins is one of the most serious problems in the world. However, in natural environment, it is known that a part of microcystins are converted to non-toxic geometric isomers by sun light. During investigations of photo-detoxification of microcystins, we found two new photoreaction products. In this paper, we described the isolation and the structure elucidation of these photoreaction products. microcystin-LR (1) in aqueous solution was irradiated UV for 30min (0.234 joule) at 0℃. After the irradiation, the photoreaction products were isolated with reverse-phased HPLC using 60% methanol in 50mM phosphate buffer (pH 3.0). In this condition, three products were detected. The slowest-eluted product was identified as [6-(Z)-Adda^5]microcystin-LR (2). The faster-eluted product (3) was obtained as colorless solid. The molecular formula of 3 was the same as that of microcystin-LR. However, The UV spectrum of 3 was quite different from that of microcystin-LR. On the ^1H-NMR spectrum, aromatic ring was disappeared. The extensive NMR analyses of COSY, HMBC, and ROESY spectra revealed the structure of the tricyclo-Adda (3-amino-5-4',6'-dimethyl-3'-methoxy-tricyclo[5,4,0,0^<1',5'>]-undeca-8',10'-dien-6'-yl-2-methyl-4-(E)-pentenoic acid) moiety (Fig. 2.). Another amino acid units were not changed. From these results, the structure of 3 was determined as [tricyclo-Adda^5]microcystin-LR. The peak which was slightly slower than microcystin-LR with HPLC analysis, was isolated. The UV spectra of the compound (4) was resembled with that of microcystin-LR. From the HRFABMS spectrum, the molecular formula of 4 was the same as that of microcystin-LR. The extensive analyses of the NMR spectra elucidated the structure of 4 as [4-(Z)-Adda^5]microcystin-LR.
- 天然有機化合物討論会の論文
- 1997-07-20
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