56(P22) 矢毒蛙アルカロイド(+)-Homopumiliotoxin 223G及び(-)-Pumiliotoxin 209Fの全合成(ポスター発表の部)
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The neotropical poison-dart frogs of the family Dendrobatidae have proven to be a rich source of structurally unique and biologically significant alkaloids. Several members of the pumiliotoxin A class, one of the major classes of the dendrobatid alkaloids, display potent cardiotonic and myotonic activities. As a part of a program directed at studying the synthesis of poison-dart frog alkaloids, we investigated an efficient methodologies for stereoselective synthesis of the pumiliotoxin A alkaloids, (+)-homopumiliotoxin 223G (1) and (-)-pumiliotoxin 209F (2), using intramolecular palladium-catalyzed carbonylation of the geometrically defined (Z)-vinyl halides for constructing the corresponding quinolizidine and indolizidine skeletons bearing exocyclic (Z)-isopropylidene appendages. Hydrogenolytic deprotection of N-Cbz 2(S)-acetylpiperidine (7) in the presence of CF_3CO_2H to generate the trifluoroacetate salt 8, which was allowed to react with (trimethylsilyl)allene 4 in the presence of TiCl_4 followed by Boc N-protection to produce exclusively the homopropargylic alcohol 11 in high yield. Subsequently, 11 was subjected to Et_3B-induced radical addition of Ph_3SnH to yied the (Z)-alkenylstannane 12, which was, upon exposure to NIS, transformed into the (Z)-vinyl iodide 15. The palladium-catalyzed carbonylation of 15 proceeded smoothly by heating at 100℃ with a catalytic amount of Pd(OAc)_2-PPh_3 in the presence of n-Bu_3N under carbon monoxide atmosphere to give α-(Z)-isopropylidene γ-lactone 19 in 82% yield. After deprotection of N-Boc group, the resulting piperidine 19 was converted to (+)-homopumiliotoxin 223G (1) via DIBALH reduction of the lactone moiety followed by cyclodehydration with CBr_4/PPh_3. Synthesis of (-)-pumiliotoxin 209F (2) was next investigated by employing the strategy developed for 1. Intramolecular palladium-catalyzed carbonylation of the (Z)-iodoalkenyl pyrrolidine 27, prepared in six steps from the N-Boc-2(S)-acetylpyrrolidine (21), led to predominant formation of 26 in 60% isolated yield, which was transformed to enantiomerically pure (-)-pumiliotoxin 209F (2). The first total synthesis of 2 confirmed the absolute structure of this alkaloid.
- 天然有機化合物討論会の論文
- 1997-07-20
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