P-69 キチナーゼ阻害物質アロサミジンの生合成(ポスター発表の部)
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Allosamidin 1 is a first chitinase inhibitor produced by Streptomyces sp. It possesses a novel pseudotrisaccharide structure which consists of N-acetyl-D-allosamine and allosamizoline 2. This has a novel cyclopentanoid structure which is highly oxygenated and fused with a dimethylaminooxazoline ring. In this study, we elucidated the biosynthesis of 1. First, the origin of the carbon skeleton and nitrogen atoms was elucidated by means of feeding experiments with labelled precursors. Incorporation experiments using [1-^<13>C]- and [6-^<13>C]glucose as well as doubly labelled [1-^<13>C,2-^<15>N]glucosamine revealed that each skeleton of N-acetylallosamine and 2 was derived from D-glucosamine. Further experiments with L-[guanidino-^<13>C,^<15>N]arginine and [methyl-^<13>C]methionine clarified the origin of the dimethylaminooxazoline moiety of 2. Next, ^<14>C-labelled 1, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 were prepared to investigate the biosynthesis of 1. Conversion experiments with the labelled allosamidins revealed that 3 was a precursor of 1, but 4 was not incorporated. This suggests that the first N-methyl group is introduced before the cyclization of the aminooxazoline ring during the biosynthesis of 1. Although none of the compounds 5, 6 and 7 were converted to 1, the production of 1 was inhibited by the addition of 5. To study a mechanism of the cyclopentane ring formation of 1, feeding experiments with [4-^2H], [5-^2H] and [6-^2H_2]-D-glucosamine were carried out. ^2H NMR analysis of the labeled samples indicated that loss of deuterium on C-5 and stereospecific loss of one of the two deuterium on C-6 of glucosamine occured during the biosynthesis of the cyclopentane ring of 1. These results suggested that the cyclization to form the cyclopentanoid moiety of 1 would proceed via an intermediate 6-aldehyde glucosamine derivative.
- 天然有機化合物討論会の論文
- 1995-09-01
山田 靖宙
作田 庄平
山田 靖宙
作田 庄平
作田 庄平
周 澤揚
作田 庄平
高尾 宏明
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- 211 リパーゼによるマクロライドの合成
- マウスのキチナーゼおよびキチナーゼ様タンパク質とアロサミジン類
- 3.アスコルビゲンの合成(第2回会議研究発表要旨)
- P-69 キチナーゼ阻害物質アロサミジンの生合成(ポスター発表の部)
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- 345 キチナーゼ阻害物質allosamidin類
- 4 抗生物質生産誘導因子Virginiae Butanolide Aの生合成(口頭発表の部)
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- 311 Penicillium urticae変異株の生産する新マクロライド化合物patulolide Dの構造
- 最近の不斉反応
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- マウスのキチナーゼおよびキチナーゼ様タンパク質とアロサミジン類
- アロサミジン生産放線菌の生産するキチナーゼに関する研究
- 酵素による有機溶媒系での有機合成
- アロサミジン生産放線菌におけるアロサミジンのキチナーゼ生産誘導に関する研究
- ビオチン化アロサミジンの調製と応用
- アロサミジン類とキチナーゼ/キチナーゼ様タンパク質との相互作用解析
- 9 アロサミジンのキチナーゼ生産促進および抗喘息作用の分子機構解析(口頭発表の部)
- 9B01 プレコセンのデオキシニバレノール生産阻害活性(作用機構・抵抗性(殺菌剤),一般講演要旨)
- 3S-4 天然物由来のアフラトキシンおよびデオキシニバレノール生産阻害物質(シンポジウム3S クリーン農業に果たす農業・薬剤の役割,大会シンポジウム)