P-59 (-)-トランス-クマウシンの全合成(ポスター発表の部)
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(-)-trans-Kumausyne (1), a brominated C_<15>-nonterpenoid compound isolated from the red alga Laurencia nipponica Yamada in 1983, consists of tetrahydrofuran framewark which characteristically contains terminal enyne functionality. Herein, we describe the first enantioselective synthesis of (-)-trans-kumausyne using a previously reported method for the stereoselective formation of substituted tetrahydrofurans; the BF_3-promoted reaction of 2,3-O-isopropylidene derivatives of aldehydo-aldose with allylsilanes via cyclization of a β-silyl cation intermediate. Total synthesis of 1 was accomplished as follows. Tetrahydrofuran 4, prepared from 2,3;4,5-di-O-isopropyridene-aldehydo-L-arabinose (2) and allyldimethylphenylsilane (3), was converted to tetraol 6 through removal of the isopropylidene protective groups. Oxidative cleavage of the terminal 1,2-diol portion in 6 led to lactol 7, which was followed by selective oxidation of the hemiacetal moiety and deoxygenation of the hydroxyl group, providing 16. Subsequently, oxidative cleavage of Si-C bond of 16 was best accomplished by using Fleming's reagents. After protection of the hydroxyl group of 17 as a silyl ether, the lactone was reduced to lactol. The enyne and 1 -bromo-3-hexenyl side chains were elaborated from this lactol employing the Wittig reaction and Overman's protocol, respectively, to afford 1. The synthetic sample was identical, in terms of their optical rotation and spectral data (^1H and ^<13>C NMR), with the natural product.
- 天然有機化合物討論会の論文
- 1995-09-01
- 全国高校化学グランプリ : さらなる普及に向けて
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