20 トートマイシンの全合成(口頭発表の部)
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Tautomycin (1) is an antibiotic substance found by Isono et al. in Streptomyces spiroverticillatus as a new antibiotic with strong antifungal activity against Sclerotinia sclerotiorum and having inhibitory activity to protein phosphatases type 1 and 2A. Here we describe the syntheses of all Segments, coupling among the segments and the total synthesis of Tautomycin. Synthesis of Segment A. Evans aldol reaction between lithium enolate of chiral N-acetyl-oxazolidinone (15) and the aldehyde (14) provided the aldol adduct (16) with high diastereoselectivity (88:12). Protection of the hydroxy group and removal of the auxiliary gave Segment A (17). Synthesis of Segment B. Sub-segment B1 (6) was synthesized through a diastereoselective cis-hydroxylation as key reaction in 11 steps. The synthesis of Segment B (24) was accomplished by coupling between the epoxide (Sub-segment B1) and the dithiane (Sub-segment B2). Synthesis of Segment C. New heteroconjugate addition strategy allowed stereocontrolled syntheses of 2 Sub-segments, C1 (8) and C2 (9). The sulfone carbanion of the latter was coupled with the former epoxide to furnish Segment C (40). Total synthesis of Tautomycin. Coupling between Segment B and C was achieved between the epoxide and sulfone carbanion in the presence of BF_3・OEt_2 to give 50 which was further coupled by Yamaguchi esterification method with Segment A (17). Final transformation of the furan ring into the maleic anhydride ring and removal of the protecting groups completed the total synthesis of Tautomycin (1).
- 天然有機化合物討論会の論文
- 1995-09-01
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