37 触角上の受容器系に基づくゴキブリの性フェロモン活性物質の化学構造的関連性の解明
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Males of the American cockroache (Periplaneta americana) exhibit a typical sexual display against sex pheromones [periplanone-A (PA) and -B (PB)] and sex pheromone mimics [germacrene-D (GD), (+)-bornyl acetate (BA) and (+)-trans-verbenyl acetate (VA)], although the structures of the compounds are different each other. Therefore, we have interested in solving why the chemicals with different structures cause the same response of the males. As the first step, VA and its many analogs were subjected to elucidate important chemical factors in VA for sex pheromonal activity. Consequently, six items of the important factors were induced from the structure-activity investigation with the analogs. For examining the olfactory receptor systems for the sexually active compounds, the differential saturation electroantennogram (EAG) technique was employed. Monoterpenoid sex pheromone mimics were consequently concluded to participate in the sex pheromone receptors responsible for PB. According to the above EAG result, the structural overap between PB and VaP was carried out using a computer display considering the conformational energies of the compounds. The important factors in VaP could be reproduced in some moieties in PB (Fig. 4). This study involves a general methodological approach to the odor-receptor investigation.
- 天然有機化合物討論会の論文
- 1983-09-15
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- 37 触角上の受容器系に基づくゴキブリの性フェロモン活性物質の化学構造的関連性の解明
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