14 EBELIN LACTONE形成サポニンの真正サポゲニンについて
- 論文の詳細を見る
Some saponins of Rhamnaceae and Scrophulariaceae plants produce ebelin lactone (7) on acid hydrolysis. As ebelin lactone seems to be an artifact the isolation of the genuine sapogenin of such saponins has been studied. On Smith-de Mayo degradation of jujuboside B, a saponin of the seeds of Zizyphns jujuba and hovenoside G, a saponin of the root-bark of Hovenia dulcis a genu ine sapogenin, jujubogenin, was yielded. The chemical and spectroscopical investigations showed that jujubogenin is represented to be 3β,20-dihydroxy-16β(23), 16β (30)-dioxidodammara-24-ene, and the X-ray analysis of its p-bromo-benzoate revealed the absolute configuration at 20 and 23 as being S and R, respectively. The mechanism of conversion of jujubogenin into ebelin lactone has been elucidated. Bacoside A, a saponin of Bacopa monniera which also produces ebelin lactone along with bacogenin A, on acid hydrolysis has been found to yield jujubogenin and another sapogenin tentatively named sapogenin-O by the Smith-de Mayo reaction. The structure of genuine sapogenin of bacoside A is now beeing studied.
- 天然有機化合物討論会の論文
- 1974-10-01
柴田 承二
Shibata Laboratory of Natural Medicinal Materials
河合 賢一
飯高 洋一
柴田 承二
荻原 幸夫
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Nagoya City University
荻原 幸夫
秋山 敏行
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences University Of Tokyo
荻原 幸夫
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Nagoya City University
飯高 洋一
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences University Of Tokyo
飯高 洋一
秋山 敏行
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- On Methyl-1-phenylnaphthalenes. II. The Gas Chromatography of Methyl-1-phenylnaphthalenes.
- G. M. Sheldrick, C. Kruger and R. Goddard 編: Crystallographic Computing 3; Data Collection, Structure Determination, Proteins, and Databases; Papers presented at the International Summer School, Mulheim an der Ruhr, 1984, Oxford University Press, Oxford a
- Peptides in Higher Plants. I. The Conformation of Frangulanine
- 14 EBELIN LACTONE形成サポニンの真正サポゲニンについて
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- The Occurrence of an Isoflavene and the Corresponding Isoflavone in Licorice Root
- On Methylphenylnaphthalenes. I. Syntheses of Methylphenylnaphthalenes.
- Metabolic Products of Fungi. XXV. Synthesis of Rubrofusarin and Its Derivatives.
- Synthesis of Rubrofusarin Dimethyl Ether
- Syntheses of Two Microbial Metabolites, 5-Chloro-3,4-dihydro-8-hydroxy-6-methoxy-3-methylisocoumarin and 8-Hydroxy-6-methoxy-3-methylisocoumarin
- 過ヨード酸およびシクロヘキシルアミンによる配糖体の加水分解法およびその糖部-非糖部結合決定の可能性
- Formation of Lichen Substances by Mycobionts of Lichens. Isolation of (+) Usnic Acid and Salazinic Acid from Mycobionts of Ramalina spp.
- Metabolic Products of Fungi. XXII. On Ustilaginoidins. (2). The Structure of Ustilaginoidin A.
- Metabolic Products of Fungi. XXI. On Ustilaginoidins. (1). The Reactions of Ustilaginoidin A.
- Grayanic Acid, A New Lichen Depsidone.
- Metabolic Products of Fungi. XXVIII. The Structure of Aurofusarin. (1)
- Chemical Studies on the Oriental Plant Drugs. XXI. The Constituents of Cassia tora L. (2). A Glycoside of Rubrofusarin
- Gas-liquid Chromatography of Lichen Substances. I. Studies on Zeorin
- Studies on the Constituents of Japanese and Chinese Crude Drugs. X. Wistin, A New Isoflavone Glucoside of Wistaria Spp.
- Metabolic Products of Fungi. XXX The Structure of Fuscofusarin
- Metabolic Products of Fungi. XXIX. The Structure of Aurofusarin. (2)
- Metabolic Products of Fungi. XXVII. Synthesis of racemic Ustilaginoidin A and Its Related Compounds. (2). Synthesis of racemic Ustilaginoidin A.
- Metabolic Products of Fungi. XXVI. Synthesis of racemic Ustilaginoidin A and Its Related Compounds. (1). Synthesis of 2.2', 4.4', 5.5', 7.7'-Octamethoxy-1.1'-binaphthalene (=Product A Octamethyl Ether).