13 フキノトウの成分,FukinolideおよびS-Fukinolideの構造
- 論文の詳細を見る
New two sesquiterpenes, Fukinolide(1A), C_<22>H_<30>O_6 and S-Fukinolide(1B), C_<21>H_<28>O_6S were isolated from the flower stocus of Petasites japonicus Maxim. and their structures were determined. By alkali hydrolysis, (1A) gave a sesquiterpenoid alcohol, Fukinolidol(4), acetic acid and angelic acid, and (1B) gave the same alcohol(4), acetic acid and cis-β-methylthioacrylic acid. The structure(4) was reduced for Fukinolidol on the basis of chemical reactions and the spectroscopic data. Finally, the absolute configuration of Fukinolidol(4) was established by the X-ray diffraction method.
- 天然有機化合物討論会の論文
- 1967-09-25
- 6 新規エンドセリン拮抗物質Stachybocin類の構造決定(口頭発表の部)
- 22.マタタビに含有されるネコおよびクサカゲロウ誘引物貭
- 1 ホオズキ属植物のステロイド化合物フィサリン類の相互関係、構造変換および抗腫瘍活性について(口頭発表の部)
- 13 植物苦味成分領域に於て得られた二つの收獲
- 13 フキノトウの成分,FukinolideおよびS-Fukinolideの構造
- 34.マタタビ成分について