Definitive diagnosis of mesothelioma by effusion cytology : Use of the cell transfer method or cell block method for immunochemical staining
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2008-03-22
ATARASHI Hirotsugu
Department of Internal Medicine and Cardiology, Tama-Nagayama Hospital, Nippon Medical School
前田 昭太郎
前田 昭太郎
Department of Pathology, Tama-Nagayama Hospital, Nippon Medical School
Department of Pathology, Tama-Nagayama Hospital, Nippon Medical School
ISOBE Hiroaki
Department of Pathology, Tama-Nagayama Hospital, Nippon Medical School
Hosone Masaru
Department Of Pathology Tama-nagayama Hospital Nippon Medical School
Isobe Hiroaki
Department Of Earth And Planetary Science The University Of Tokyo
Department of Pathology 2, Nippon Medical School
Maeda Shotaro
Second Department Of Pathology Tama Nagayama Hospital Nippon Medical School
Iwase Hiromi
Department Of Pathology Tama-nagayama Hospital Nippon Medical School
前田 昭太郎
日本医科大学附属多摩永山病院 病理部
Department of Pathology, Tama-Nagayama Hospital, Nippon Medical School
Department of Pathology, Tama-Nagayama Hospital, Nippon Medical School
Department of Respiratory Surgery, Tama-Nagayama Hospital, Nippon Medical School
Naito Zenya
Department Of Pathology
Hosone Masaru
Department Of Orthopaedic Surgery Tmanagayama Hospital Nippon Medical School
Tanimura Shigeo
Department Of Respiratory Surgery Tama-nagayama Hospital Nippon Medical School
Atarashi Hirotsugu
Department Of Internal Medicine Tama-nagayama Hospital Nippon Medical School
Katayama Hironori
Department Of Pathology Nippon Medical School Tama-nagayama Hospital
Masuda Yumi
Department Of Pathology Tama-nagayama Hospital Nippon Medical School
Kawano Kiyoko
Department Of Pathology Tama-nagayama Hospital Nippon Medical School
Isobe Hiroaki
Department Of Pathology Tama-nagayama Hospital Nippon Medical School
Atarashi Hirotsugu
Department Of Cadiology Nippon Medical School Tama-nagayama Hospital
Naito Zenya
Department of Pathology, Nippon Medical School
Department of Integrative Pathology, Nippon Medical School
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