- 論文の詳細を見る
We conducted a survey on the effects of the intake of natto, which is said to contain many isoflavones,on the menstruation related syndrome of females.The subjects were 79 students of sports science and 57 humanities students from universities located in Chiba Prefecture.The results of the survey were as follows: 1) 82.6% of the students replied that they experienced menstruation related syndrome at the time of menstruation. 2) More sports science students experienced physical pains like lumbago during menstruation than did humanities students. On the other hand, more humanities students experienced mental difficulties,saying that they could not concentrate on study during menstruation as compared with non-menstruation time. 3) As to the intake frequency of natto, more students of low intake frequency experienced physical pain and/or mental trouble than those of high intake frequency. 4) According to the above results, it is suggested that the intake of natto has some positive effect on reducing menstruation related syndrome.
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