- 論文の詳細を見る
According to the assertion of the slavophils, the history of Russian people (narod) began which, or rather preceded that of the state. In the Russian history, they maintained, people and state had functioned equally, recognizing each other's role, until the reign of peter the Great. Since then, however, the state gradually grined power over the people thus overshadowning the function of the latter. Accordingly they demanded various "democratic" reforms from the government in the name of people. The slavophilism is generally held to be a kind of conservatism in opposition to the westernism, its deep religiosity being regarded as one of its main characteristics. For the above-mentioned reason, however, we must emphasize the democratic character as another main feature of slavophilism. Now, Kireevsii has been usually recognized as one of the representatives of teligious trend of slavophilism, but in the opinion of the present writer, be canot be said to be representative of its democratic side. This becomes manifest, if we examine his concept of people and their function as well as that of the relation between state and people. As a matter of fact, he does not admit any autonomy of the people. This comes from his lack of love and confidence in people. This can be proved by his letters revealing his contempt of common people (prostoi narod) and his negative attitudes towards the emancipation of serfs and the freedom of speech and the press. His philosophy has many features in common with that of Chaadaev, including this lack of sympathy with the people, a tendency prevalent among the higher nobles of that time. Kireevskii's slavophilism was conditioned by this aristocratism.
- スラヴ主義の「民衆的性格」とイー・ヴエー・キレエフスキノのスラヴ主義
- ロシア史への私の歩み
- 増田富壽著, 「ロシア農村社會の近代化過程」
- B・O・クリュチェフスキー著, 八重樫喬任訳, 『ロシア史講話』 : 第一〜五巻, 恒文社, (一)一九七九・九, 四三五頁, (二)八一・四, 四四六頁, (三)八二・一, 四二二頁, (四)八三・四, 四二一頁, (五)八三・六, 四四七頁, 各二、八〇〇円
- 石戸谷重郎著『ロシアのホロープ』