423 振動抑制機能を持つパラレルワイヤ型移動機構の開発
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A parallel wire type handling system that operates in a plane can control the position and the angle of an object it carries using several wires. However, conventional parallel wire type handling systems cannot suppress vibrations in the direction perpendicular to the wire plane. For this reason, a new parallel type handling system with vibration suppression mechanism was developed. Vibration damping is given by the TMD, however, the TMD can provide vibration damping only at a specific designed frequency. Therefore, a controller which can control the position and angle of the carrying object and the natural frequency of this system at the same time was developed. Using this controller, vibrations in the vertical direction can be effectively damped by the TMD. In addition, the position and angle of the carrying object can be controlled well. This paper details the design and experimental results of the developed parallel wire type handling system.
- 2007-09-25
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