2-5 Comparison of the Core Interthreshold Zones between Monozygous and Dizygous Twins(Proceedings of the 57th Meeting of Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology)
Shi Lu
Department Of Organic And Polymeric Materials Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Shi Lu
Department Of Design Science Graduate School Of Engineering Chiba University
Department of Enviornment and Technology, School of Science and Technology, Meijo University
HUANG Jinghua
Department of Design Science, Graduate School of Engineering, Chiba University
Department of Design Science, Graduate School of Engineering, Chiba University
HARADA Masayuki
School of Design Architecture, Nagoya City University
Katsuura Tetsuo
Department Of Design Science Graduate School Of Engineering Chiba University
Katsuura Tetsuo
Department Of Design And Architecture Chiba University
Huang Jinghua
Department Of Design Science Graduate School Of Engineering Chiba University
Kakitsuba Naoshi
Department Of Architecture. Ashikaga Institute Of Technology
Harada Masayuki
School Of Design Architecture Nagoya City University
- Individual Variability in the Core Interthreshold Zone as Related to Body Physique, Somatotype, and Physical Constitution
- 2-5 Comparison of the Core Interthreshold Zones between Monozygous and Dizygous Twins(Proceedings of the 57th Meeting of Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology)
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