Two New Varieties and One Change of Status in Hosta (Asparagaceae)
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Two new varieties, Hosta kikutii F. Maek. var. densinervia N. Fujita & M. N. Tamura and H. kikutii var. scabrinervia N. Fujita & M. N. Tamura are described. Hosta kikutii var. densinervia differs from H. kikutii var. kikutii in having the nerves of the leaves more or less close together and papillose abaxially. Hosta kikutii var. scabrinervia differs from H. kikutii var. densinervia in having the nerves on the abaxial surface of the leaves prominently papillose. Plants belonging to these two varieties were formerly assigned to H. kikutii var. polyneuron (F. Maek.) N. Fujita (= H. polyneuron F. Maek.), which is now regarded as a doubtful taxon. A change in status, H, tsushimensis N. Fujita var. tibae (F. Maek. ex H. Hara) N. Fujita & M. N. Tamura, is also proposed, A key to the varieties of H. kikutii and a key to the varieties of H. tsushimensis are provided.
- 日本植物分類学会の論文
- 2008-03-25
Botanical Gardens, Graduate School of Science, Osaka City University
Fujita Noboru
Center For Ecological Research Kyoto University
Tamura Minoru
Botanical Garden Graduate School Of Science Osaka City University
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