- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between tactile cognitive ability and language ability in blind students. Subjects were 25 of 7-16-year-old blind students with no intellectual disabilities attending schools for the blind. Blind Learning Aptitude Test (BLAT) to assess tactile cognitive ability.language ability test and WISC-R verbal test to assess language ability was carried out them. The following results were indicated: 1) the correlations were significant between the subjects' BLAT scores and their language test scores. between the subjects' BLAT scores and their WISC-R VIQ scores, 2) Mean of subjects' BLAT Z scores and their language test Z scores was no significant, 3) from the correlation analysis between BLAT subtest scores and the language ability subtest scores, abilities related to "reasoning"and "grasp of relationship" were significant. It was suggested that language ability becomes fundamental ability of tactile cognitive ability. Based on these results. the importance of the language ability for heightening the tactile cognitive ability of blind students was considered.
- 秋田大学の論文
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