Extensions of the results on powers of $p$-hyponormal operators to class wF$(p,r,q)$ operators (Inequalities on Linear Operators and its Applications)
- Mean theoretic approach to a further extension of grand Furuta inequality (Prospects of non-commutative analysis in operator theory)
- A complement to monotonicity of generalized Furuta-type operator functions (Application of Geometry to Operator Theory)
- Extensions of the results on powers of $p$-hyponormal operators to class wF$(p,r,q)$ operators (Inequalities on Linear Operators and its Applications)
- Matrix inequalities including Furuta inequality via Riemannian mean of $n$-matrices (Structural study of operators via spectra or numerical ranges)
- Generalizations of operator Shannon inequality based on Tsallis and Renyi relative entropies (Operator monotone functions and related topics)
- Extensions of relative operator entropies and operator $\alpha$-divergence (Operator monotone functions and related topics)