- 論文の詳細を見る
The aim of this paper is to clarify the characteristics and the contributions of Muhammad Balk al-Sadr's political thought, considering his activities in the Da'wa Party and contextualizing his thought in the political history of Iraq. Research on al-Sadr is divided into two streams; analysis of his economic and philosophical thoughts and description of his political activities. Hence, this paper combines these two analyses in order to show dynamism of his thought within the framework of political change in Iraq. Following his initial vision of the realization of an Islamic state with the concept of the Islamic principle of Shura, al-Sadr proposed to create the Da'wa Party in a relatively democratic period in modern Iraq, legitimatizing it from the Islamic jurisprudence point of view. When the party was firmly established and was gaining more popular supports within Iraq, the Ba'thist regime with its increasing authoritarianism stood as a strong obstacle. Al-Sadr had to develop a revolutionary theory in his course to realize Islamic state in Iraq. The characteristics of al-Sadr's political thought are; (1) his development in adaptation of Islamic jurisprudence on political change in Iraq, (2) legitimatization of the creation of Islamic state in the modern state, (3) proposition of concrete ideas about the institutions of a sustainable Islamic state.
- 2008-01-28
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