419 振動付加放電加工に関する研究 : 加工時間短縮と加工の安定性について(OS-2 放電加工)
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In micro-EDM, due to the improper flush out of the cutting chip powder, there is a case that frequent adhesion between a tool electrode and a workpiece disables the continuation of the machining. Thus, a long time is required for machining even though the machining is possible. In order to solve these problems, we introduced vibration-assisted machining using PZT to micro-EDM and tried to flush out the powder from the gap between a tool electrode and a workpiece. In this study, first, we describe about the effect of vibration-assisted micro-EDM of machining characteristics. Secondary, we describe the results of discharge current and displacement measurement of machining table during machining in order to prove that the machining instability comes from the adhesion. Finally, we show the implementations of vibration-assisted machining to the machining for titanium.
- 2006-11-24
- 419 振動付加放電加工に関する研究 : 加工時間短縮と加工の安定性について(OS-2 放電加工)
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