10308 ハイブリッド非構造格子を用いた多分岐管路内流れの有限要素解析(流体(2))
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Numerical code for using unstructured meshes composed of hybrid elements was developed. In this study, numerical analysis of flow in the evaporator, which is a multi-branch ducts, was performed by using the code developed. As the header and the branch-pipes addressed in this study were duct of circular cross-section, hexahedral elements, therefore, were used near the wall in order to adapt mesh to the configuration. In the region far from the wall, tetrahedral elements were used and pyramid elements were used to connect hexahedral and tetrahedral elements. The governing equations are discretized by the finite element method using a stabilising scheme, the characteristic-Galerkin method. The calculated results obtained by the code developed, including velocity vectors and flow rates to each branch, are shown.
- 2006-03-09
- 10308 ハイブリッド非構造格子を用いた多分岐管路内流れの有限要素解析(流体(2))
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