3708 尺八内部流れのダイナミックPIV計測(J13-1 流動励起振動1(管内流れによる振動),J13 流体関連の騒音と振動)
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Any wind instrument can sound due to the vibration of the air, expiration flow inside of the wind instrument. In case of a trumpet or a clarinet, a mouth or a reed helps to sound variable tones. In case of a flute, there is no mechanical vibration. We would like to investigate more detail about the flow and the vibration with sound inside or outside of the flute, in order to understand the mechanism of the wind instrument and to aid in the manufacture of the good instrument. In this report, a Japanese traditional bamboo flute was used in the experiment. The dynamic PIV technique was applied to measure the vibration. 2 kinds of experiments were done. The Argon-gas flow with different tone inside/outside of the bamboo flute was measured using a high frequency pulse laser. Oil mist was used as the tracer particles. Then, we also tried to measure the flow in bamboo flute when a human player played, using a CW laser and the water-mist as the tracers. We successfully measured that the periodical flow near a hole of the bamboo flute went out from and came into the flute at 200-500Hz dependent on the tone.
- 2006-09-15
論文 | ランダム
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